I Wish I Know these before starting to learn Coding

I Wish I Know these before starting to learn Coding

This will help you out


Learning to code has been the best decision I’ve made so far. It helped me go from making $1k/year to $500 per month as a 20-year-old boy from India.

Here are the things I wish I knew before starting all of these:

✘ Trying to conquer everything

I was like a jack of all trades, a master of none. I learned c, c++, Python, a little bit of Java, and JavaScript. I even tried to learn pen testing once. Learning different languages will never make you a good programmer, develop the ability to solve the problem

✘ Giving up too quickly

I was 15 when I first heard the term "coding," and I was very interested in learning to code. As always, like anyone, I went to YouTube and checked for a course and saw a 10-plus hour course. Seeing that was too much demotivating and left Coding at that time.

✘ The fancy tutorial hell

I was stuck when I started my coding journey at 17, I was falling in love with watching tutorials. It took me more than 6 months to recognize that I was stuck watching video after video. Later, I started doing paid projects to get rid of that.

Think before Coding

Even if you are not a competitive programmer looking for the best solution, you have to have a plan for what you should do. I was like lets fu*king code it first, but that was worse when I was stuck at a point and the option left is to redo everything

Have a Plan for everything

If you are building a website, draw a simple sketch if you don’t have a design (if you can go for it). If you are building an application, divide it into small portions. It really helps…

Thinking that coding is always fun

It’s not the case, sometimes you enjoy what you do, but that doesn’t mean it will always I was into freelancing and had a lot of bad experiences with clients.

[Iam a Freelancer and I don't recommend it to anyone
I made more than $1k in one year as an 18-year-old boy still…adarsh-gupta.medium.com](https://adarsh-gupta.medium.com/iam-a-freelancer-and-i-dont-recommend-it-to-anyone-c26606139896 "adarsh-gupta.medium.com/iam-a-freelancer-an..")

Learn to Cooperate with everything and be open to learning always.

Comparing with others

I compared myself with someone who was having a good experience, and it always had a bad impact on me. Compare yourself to yourself only and try to take inspiration from others (don’t try to be like them), but yeah, you can always get inspired by them.

My advice for you (take it only if you think it’s a good fit for you)

  1. Technologies changes year by year, If you have your fundamentals strong and if you are Flexible you can learn anything(not all together)
  2. You don’t always need to watch 3+ hours of courses for a simple topic, go read a blog for that
  3. You can always search google to solve a problem if you can’t solve it on your own
  4. Take a break, you have enough time(don’t procrastinate though) Learn Everything about Something and something about Everything( I do this, just a suggestion)

Wrapping It Up!

Congratulations on reaching this far! You’re a fantastic reader!!

These are my personal experiences; if they resonate with yours, please let me know.

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