Receive worldwide payments easily · NOTE: I don’t want paywall to block the learning, here is the friendly link. First of all, we software developers...
The Incident: A Joke Gone Wrong Imagine you’re Aditya Verma, a typical college student studying economics in the UK. You’re off to Menorca with...
Hyperflexed stoled my mind, I simplified the same. When I last created a video, I thought I should be consistent, but we all know promises are never...
How did I make over ₹2,00,000? For most people, Twitter is a place for people to post randomly and read something that's trending. Actually it is a...
Remember 2020? It was a tough year for many, with job losses and sad goodbyes. But for me, it turned out to be a year of change, thanks to an...
Caption Why do developers have a soft spot for JavaScript? Well, there are myriad reasons. It’s like a quirky partner in the world of programming...