Colleges and universities may waste your valuable time.
College is one of the best places to have the best time of your life. Here are five ways how I utilize my time when I am in college:
Some facts about my college and me
- The class starts at 8.50 am and ends at 4.00
- Four hours of travel
- Classes are great but I can’t follow the lectures as I get distracted(Boring and not interactive )
- Attendance has a mark that reflects on the internal mark
1. Read Blogs
I read blogs and articles when I was at college. I bought the medium subscription and I read valuable articles from people.
Some of my favorite publications and writers are
javinpaul, Flavio Copes, Soumadri Banerjee Narendra L etc…
2. Write blogs
I write blogs and articles when I am at college. I think I cracked the code for how to learn something. Just write a blog on that. I usually brainstorm ideas and write blogs. I have about 20+ drafts in my google docs
Follow me on Medium for my blogs. Adarsh
3. Learn from Github
I learn about technologies, usually from Github. GitHub is one of the underrated websites to learn about technology. Tip: Search for “awesome ” to get an awesome list.
4. Twitter Threads
I write Twitter threads just like this one and share them. Also, I read valuable threads and tweets from my favorite authors.
Follow me on Twitter, I create awesome threads there as well
5. Doing My chores
- I check my emails.
- -Create invoices for clients.
- -Apply for internships/remote jobs
- -Checks GitHub, Reddit, hashnode, Stocks etc.
“All these tips are subjected to market risk and I won’t take responsibility for anything “
Try it, Some colleges don’t allow mobile phones inside the campus, but I don’t have any such restrictions. Sometimes they take your phone for using it in class as a punishment.
Thanks for reading this
This blog is just my experience and routine and I don’t force you to do the same... Don’t irritate your teachers, respect them. You need some kind of knack to do all these. Follow @Adarsh____gupta for more insightful threads.