These Skills can Make You an Outstanding Developer

These Skills can Make You an Outstanding Developer

All the skillset you need to have as a developer.

Photo by Vadim Sherbakov on Unsplash

In this blog, we will break down the skills you need to be having in your hand to be the top 1% in Front-End, Back-End, Database, DevOps, Mobile apps.

FrontEnd Development

Front-end development is a style of computer programming that focuses on the coding and creation of elements and features of a website that will be seen by the user. It’s about making sure the visual aspects of a website are functional

For being good at frontend development, you need the following skills.


Basics things even include even how the internet works …

  1. HTML — structure of the web
  2. CSS — simple styling
  3. JavaScript — interactivity


Frameworks help us to create large-scale applications with ease.

  1. React created by Facebook is the most popular one
  2. Vue.js
  3. Angular
  4. Webpack


We can't even imagine our favorite websites without any styles.

For that, we have these libraries/frameworks:

  1. Tailwind CSS
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Material UI
  4. Chakra UI


Backend is the server-side of the website. It stores and arranges data, and also makes sure everything on the client-side of the website works fine. It is the part of the website that you cannot see and interact with. It is the portion of software that does not come in direct contact with the users

  1. PHP
  2. Node JS
  3. Ruby on Rails
  4. Java (Spring)
  5. ASP.NET
  6. Redis


A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. … The data can then be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated, controlled, and organized.

Relational Database Management System.

  1. MSSQL
  2. MySQL
  3. Postgres


  1. Mongo DB
  2. Casandra
  3. CouchDB
  4. Elasticsearch


  1. Neo4j
  2. ArangoDB

Message Queues

  1. Kafka
  2. SQS
  3. ZeroMQ
  4. Rabbit MQ



  1. AWS
  2. Azure
  3. ELK
  4. NGINX


  1. Ansible
  2. Chef
  3. Jenkins


  1. Docker
  2. Bladecenter
  3. Kubernetes
  4. Vagrant
  5. VMware

Mobile App


  1. Java
  2. Kotlin
  3. SDK


  1. Objective C
  2. Swift


  1. React Native
  2. Ionic
  3. PWA
  4. Xamarin
  5. Unity


We have covered all the essential tools/libraries/frameworks for you to become a full-stack web developer.

Keep learning. Keep updating.

Thank you for reading.

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