5 JavaScript Animation Libraries That You Should Try

5 JavaScript Animation Libraries That You Should Try

The best JavaScript animation libraries you can use to hook the user to your website.

Eye-catching animations give awesome look to your website. We Humans only got 7 seconds to attract a user. So we have to hold the users in our website and animations can help us achieve that.

So let's take a look at the best JavaScript animation libraries.

At number one we have:


It is a robust JavaScript toolset that turns developers into animation superheroes.

Check it out here: GSAP.

At number two we have:

2. scrollReveal.js

scrollReveal.js is a JavaScript library for easily animating elements as they enter/leave the viewport.

Check it out here: scrollReveal.js.

scroll reveal image

At number three we have:

3. Typed.js

Enter in any string and watch it type at the speed you’ve set, backspace what it’s typed, and begin a new sentence for all strings you have set.

Check it out here: Typed.js.

At number four and my personal favorite:

4. Three.js

Three.js is a lightweight and user-friendy JavaScript 3D animation library. It makes it easy to come up with awesome 3D content on our website

You can check it out here: Three.js

You can check out this Three.js starter blog too.

[Three.js- A JavaScript 3D Library
3D inside the browser.javascript.plainenglish.io](https://javascript.plainenglish.io/three-js-a-javascript-3d-library-78fe2c2a9b15 "javascript.plainenglish.io/three-js-a-javas..")

And finally, at number five we have:

5) anime.js

It is easy to use, has a small and simple API, and offers everything you could want from a modern animation engine.

You can check it out here.



These are a few libraries and there are N number of libraries available, most of them are open source. Do check it out and enlighten us with your Experience.

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